Some new, some familiar stops

After leaving Boat Cove (Bay?) on Lasqueti Island I made the long trip across and down to the northern Gulf Islands. The wind was light for the first hour so I motored but after an hour or so it picked up enough to roll out the genoa for some motor sailing. I needed to recharge the batteries and run the water maker so motoring for a while was best. After another hour I was ready to shut down the engine and let the building breeze do the work. I was doing 6 knots under genoa alone. I ended up sailing almost all the rest of the way down doing 7+ knots as the wind built to 20 knots from astern. It was a nice sunny, downwind sail.

Some nice little rollers building up in the Strait of Georgia

Winchelsea Island with a BC ferry heading to Vancouver in the background

I rolled up the genoa and motored past Silva Bay and into Dogfish Cove next to Kendrick Island for an overnight stay before heading through Gabriola Passage the next day. I like this little anchorage and this is the second time I’ve been here. It was a bit windy but not crowded. Shot through the Gabriola Pass with a good 2-3 knot current pushing me around and motored down to the old reliable Clam Bay. I had debated trying a small cove in the entrance to Ladysmith Harbor but didn’t want to chance it might be full and have to divert back to another anchorage.

My summer is winding down and I have always wanted to visit Butchart Gardens so this seems like a good chance to make that happen. The weather actually looked decent. I needed to make one more stop in Genoa Bay, North Cowichan before heading to Todd Inlet which is right next to the Gardens. Genoa Bay was okay but I would go back. Anchorage is open to the south and swells and wakes roll right in. It was convenient. Getting there was nice though. The trip through Sansome Narrows is very pretty.

Another motor down to Todd Inlet Friday morning and by noon I was anchored in with a dozen other boats. At first it seemed too crowded but there is little to no wind and no current so boats don’t move much. There always seems to be room for one more boat. I dropped the dinghy into the water, grabbed my camera and headed to the beach to find the trail that leads to Butchart Gardens.

Todd Inlet from the trail to the gardens (Kinetics is lone sailboat)

It’s maybe a 15-20 walk by trail and road to the main entrance. I think I was the only person to arrive on foot! Had lunch at the restaurant and spent the rest of the afternoon wandering the grounds. Took a lot of pictures but they’re in the Fuji XT. I still have to upload and cull them. Beautiful even in late summer and nice to be able to do some walking. I can finally check that one off the list!