Hike at Blind Channel Resort

Here are some photos I took on my short hike around the Blind Channel Resort on West Thurlow Island. The area above the resort is forested but logged in the past 100 years. The original owners of the resort engaged with the logging firm to allow trails to be created. It is a great asset for them and I really enjoyed getting some exercise and breathing some fresh air. One highlight are a couple of old red cedars that were left standing. Beautiful examples that I hope live for another 100 years or more.

Fresh water stream flows down into Mayne channel with the marina in the background

The smaller of the two big cedars

The big cedar, the top of which you can’t really see

Me at the base for some scale

Sitting out a front in Blind Channel

Last Sunday I departed under cloudy skies for Blind Channel Resort on Mayne Passage just short of Green Point Rapids. This looked like my only chance to get further north and stay somewhere secure for the incoming front. I needed to recharge batteries, refill on water, pick up a few groceries, do some laundry and get out for a little exercise. They have nice hiking trails I hope to try while I’m here. There is a big old cedar tree up the trail that is worth a visit apparently.

I very glad I was here for the rain and wind that came through last night. It dumped what I suspect was over an inch of rain and the gusts of wind were pretty significant. Almost lost my Starlink device which I ended up having to tie down to keep it from sailing away.

The first night I had a really good dinner at their restaurant, the Cedar Post, I haven’t eaten food that good in quite some time. The service was also very good. I can recommend the Blind Channel Resort and Marina.

Here is a shot from my route between the Octopus Islands and Blind Channel. My timing for the Oskillo rapids was good and I had favorable current most of the way. The expected hurting current in Mayne channel at the end was far less than expected and I arrived a little early.